巡礼者の小道(Pursuing Veritas)







-Miller, J. Michael , The Shepherd and the Rock 
-Edward Giles , Documents illustrating Papal Authority 
-On the Church: Select Treaties (St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press) 
-Phillip Schaff and Henry Wace , The Letters of St. Leo the Great edited 
-The Works of St. Opatus (Against the Donatists)

-Ludwig Hertling,  Communio : Church and Papacy in Early Christianity 
-Trevor Gervase Jalland , The Church and the Papacy 
-Rev. Vincent McNabb, Infallibility 
-James O Connor, The Gift of Infallibility 
-A. Edward Siecienski , The Papacy and the Orthodox

-B.J. Kidd , The Roman Primacy 
-JM Miller, The Divine Right of the Papacy in Recent Ecumenical Dialogue 
-Frederick Joseph Kinsman, Salve Mater 
-Peter Battifol, Catholicism and Papacy: Some Anglican and Russian Difficulties 
-Klaus Schatz SJ, Papal Primacy: From Its Origins to the Present 

-Karl Rahner and Joseph Ratzinger, Episcopate and the Primacy 
-Dom John Chapman , Studies on the Early Papacy 
-Patrick Granfield, The Limits of the Papacy 
-S.L Greenslade, Schism in the Early Church 
-Christopher Butler, The Idea of the Church 

-Edward Denny, Papalism 
-F.W. Puller, The Primitive Saints and the See of Rome 
-John Chryssavgis, Primacy in the Church
-Abbe Guetee,The Papacy 
-Yves Congar, After Nine Hundred Years

-Johan Meijer, A Successful Council of Union
-Phillip Sherrard , The Greek East and the Latin West 
-John Meyendorff, The Primacy of Peter (Subsection on Conciliarism)
-Brian Tierney, Foundations of Conciliar Theory 
-Richard F. Costigan SJ , The Consensus of the Church and Papal Infallibility 

-John. O Malley, Vatican I: The Council and the Making of the Ultramontane Church 
-Antonio Pereira, Theologica
-Walter Kasper, The Petrine Ministry 
-Robert Bellarmine, De Controversiis (Specifically On the Roman Pontiff) 




